Monday, April 11, 2016

Need for Speed Attract trailer

This is Need for Speed trailer that released in Fall 2015! I decided to analysis this attract trailer because of the immersion that the viewer succumbs to on the second half of the trailer.

SO let's break it down as to why this is effective! First, the viewer is brought in to the trailer because of the human and character connections. The characters are shown with a blood pumping pep talk sort of song to let the viewer feel powerful with speed. Although this trailer assignment calls for only in game, I feel that since we have characters in this game something like that could be replicated! The characters bring the viewer closer to the game, but I feel it is not necessary to the trailer itself.

At 57seconds, you see a lone car doing donuts and looking fierce while surrounded some dark, drippy, urban streets. Then commercial breaks into a faster pace when the police cars crash at 1min, thus playing Coolio's Gangster's Paradise. The viewer immediately sees a crazy stunt jump and then follows cars from crash to stunt darting police. There seems to be a rogue sort of club of cars that don't follow authority, ruling the streets. It simply looks badass. Finally at the end, the viewer sees a fleet of cars followed by a title card. The title card appears after the camera zooms out onto the horizon to suggest that the city is there for exploring and racing. It gives the viewer a break from the high speed chase that the rest of the attract video poses as. The late title card is appropriate for this attract video because the viewer is focused on the crazy stunts and fast tricks.

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