Friday, September 16, 2016

Hero Prop

In game design, we are now starting our hero prop! Here are some of my loose ideas for a weapon/prop that I will model, code, and design over the next few weeks.

1) Sonic Wave Smash Hammer
- similar burst of impact of the hammer in Halo.
- Sonic wave particle effect on impact showing power
-Player must feel powerful when using it
- Components include: Hammer, power pickups, impact particle, power gauge in HUD

2) Booster roller skates
-Takes hero quickly from A-B. Flat terrain.
- Hero possible counter behind enemies due to speed
-1337 Agility hack
-Physical platforming test?
-Components include: Rollerblades, ribbon particle showing speed, speed regen bar over time in HUD

3) Demon Sword
-Big sword that upon slice impact explodes enemies
-Particle of soul goes to blade
-Demon sword take no mercy
-Soul Caliber inspir
-Soul gauge diminishes over time, player kills more to regen
-Player must feel powerful in gore fest wanting to kill more for the blade
-Components include: Big blade, Soul particle, Kill counter/SoulGauge HUD, kill pickup dropped from enemy

4) Power Stomp Boots
-Player jump to knock back enemies in far radius, kills enemies in close range
-Impact leaves destruction alpha on ground
- Player feels weight of boots, and weight of power stomp.
-Almost warrior tanky feeling, move slower. Balance with butt load of enemies to kill.
-Power Stomp Gauge regens over time
-Components includes: Power Stomp Boots, destruction alpha, Power Stomp Gauge HUD, impact dust particle

5) Anchor Grapple Hook
-Brings player from A to B, platforming
-Atlantas anchor theme hook
-Dota 2 TideHunter Anchor with Bioshock Infit Hook inspir
-Fast transport
-Regens over time
-Components include: Grapple hook, particle dust settle at impact location of hook, Grapple Hook Regen bar/Time bar HUD

6) Electric Beam Cannon
- Electricity beam emits from hand cannon to take down enemies
-Samus/Mega man inspir
-Regens with power ups
-Player feels powerful with big impact beam, possibly small knock back on player
-Electric beam explodes enemies
-Components include: badass Elect Ray Cannon, Electric Beam particle(s), Power up Gauge HUD, pickup regen

7) Chain Lasso of Death
-Player holds lasso, throws and wraps enemies and cuts them in half
-Player uses button to catch enemy, presses again to pull back lasso to cut them in half
-Regens with player energy power up
-Components include: brutal Chain Lasso of Death, blood particle, energy pickup, Energy bar HUD

8) Carnival Missile gun
-Player shoots missile onto enemies
-Missiles are large and comical, carnival aesthetic
-Big particle on impact explosion
-Ammo Pickup
-Components include: Carnival Missile Gun, Ammo Pickups, Explosion particle, impact particle, Ammo Gauge HUD

9) Ice Ground Shard
-Player sends ice ground from player location to a larger icicle on enemy with out reaching hand
-Ice locks on enemy with biggest shard at impact
- Particle snow dust of raising when large icicle impact
-Regen with energy pickup
-Components include large icicle ground shard, impact particle, energy pickup guage HUD, energy pickup.

10) Electric Field Ray Gloves
-Player emits plasma destructive energy from self, enemies die in range
-IE sends projectile energy missile from gloves
-DBZ impact inspir, but on lesser scale
-Energy pickup regen
-Components include: Electric Field Ray Gloves, Particle for projectile, particle field for impact, energy pickup, Energy gauge HUD

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