Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dirt Skid Particle!

This is the final particle system that I had made! This will be under the car tires in my racing level. Since the level is set in a desert canyon, having sand/dirt flying from up and under the tires sounds appropriate.
I've decided to not include such thick dirt- for it may cloud the view of the track while racing. The smoke is delayed by .25seconds and is moved in both X,Y coordinates to have the dirt spawn first- then the dust cloud.
For both the smoke and the dirt I chose to make a panner textures on top of a base texture into the emmisive/opacity to show even more speed and movement underneath the car for the players delight. It also shows more complexity to the textures itself.

Here is a picture of my particle material! I used this tutorial, which I mentioned in the last post.

And here is my particle! Enjoy.

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