Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thesis Blockout WIP/Internship/Updates

Here's a first look at my blockout level in my thesis. My partner, Somin, has a separate level which spawns at the end of my level. Environment blockout is WIP, models are on their 1st pass, and there is no substantial lighting just yet. I have added additional UI icons on my HUD and changed more since this recording on Tuesday afternoon (It's Wed late morning now). Here's a first peek!

Blockout 1 Playthrough

Here is some HUD Icons I made last semester, which need some refining. These need to fully be plugged in and working.

Magic Energy Depleted
Magic Energy Full

As for this past summer I was at NetEase games working on their Game Assessment Center team (GAC). I played games all day and analyzed them for market research and game design consultation. It was AMAZING. This has really gotten me interested in more UX development in games, so I'm interested to see where my career will take me. I'm a trained 3D artist interested in making art, playing games, and finding ways to improve games, and for helping people to interact with them. I'd like to work with Netease again after graduation if possible! 

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